Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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March 24, 2024: “UUCB History: The Trees of Life Quilt”


Reverend Connie Grant and UUCB Congregants

Mary Craig, Worship Associate

An essay in the collection “Stories from the Trees of Life” notes that “The making of the Trees of Life quilt is a good example of the creative spirits, individual and collective, that are the very fabric of our congregation.” We’ll recount the story of the making of the quilt and some of the stories it represents.

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Order of Service

Our order of service is available both here on our website and in print.

Ringing of the World Bell

Congregational Prelude

“Woyaya” Words and music by Loughty Amoa, Solomon Amarfio, Robert M. Bailey, Roy Bedeau, Francis T. Osei, Whendell K. Richardson, and Mac Tontoh, transcribed by Ysaye Barnwell, arr. Jeannie Gagne

Welcome & Announcements

Anabel Watson, Connections Coordinator

Land Acknowledgement

Lighting the Chalice Flame

“Flaming Chalice, Symbol of a Free Faith” by Richard Gilbert

Dr. Stephanie Kimball

Opening Words

“Weavers of One Story” by Leah Ongiri

Reverend Connie Grant

Opening Hymn

#300 “With Heart and Mind”


“A Patchwork of Memories”

by Ruellen Fessenbecker

Childcare is available from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Room 108.

Religious Education for Children:

Ages 4-6 meet for Spirit Play in Room 105

Ages 7-12 meet for Kids' Club in Room 208

Children may be picked up at these rooms at 11:30 a.m.

Musical Interlude

Kim Carballo, piano


“Why I Make a Financial Commitment to UUCB”
Sharon Yarber

Deb Hutton


"A Community Quilt"

Rev. Grant

Pastoral Prayer and Meditation

“Deep Mystery of Our Lives” by Sheldon Bennett


Kim Carballo, piano

During the Offertory, you are invited to silently light a candle to represent a joy or sorrow in your life.

You are invited to participate in this morning’s offering by contributing as the basket passes or online at uucb.churchcenter.com/giving. You may make a non-pledge gift or a contribution towards your annual pledge, or both, at that site. This fiscal year, 25% of our non-pledge Sunday offerings will be given to All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center, which provides cloth and disposable diapers/wipes, pregnancy tests, feeding supplies, and other essentials to families in need. See alloptionsprc.org for more information.


“Quilts” by Nikki Giovanni

read by Mary Craig, Worship Associate

Gift of Music

“We Are” by Ysaye Barnwell

UUCB Choir

Susan Swaney, Music Director


“Trees of Life: A Branch of History” Ruellen Fessenbecker


“The Raising of the Quilt”

The secret is to let each little piece be as weird and different as it likes, but yet bring them together like this to form a single multi-colored, multi-faceted community....But a community which is alive and changing all the time. Like a big, beautiful forest!

And what shall we call this quilt which represents our community? TREES OF LIFE


“Trees of Life Quilt Revisited”

Natalia Schau

Closing Hymn

#354 “We Laugh, We Cry”

Extinguishing the Chalice Flame

“Take from life its coals, not its ashes” by Laurel Sheridan


Choral Benediction

“I Am the Change” by Phyllis Wyckliff

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