Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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September 08, 2024: Multigenerational Water Communion: Community Makes Us Strong

water drops

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

Dr. Stephanie Kimball, Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Erica Whichello, Worship Associate

In this annual tradition, where we celebrate the ingathering of our community and the beginning of a new congregational ministry year, everyone is invite to bring a small amount of water from a place that is meaningful to you - perhaps water from a beloved lake or stream, from your tap at home, or even tears from a grief you’ve experienced. Together we pour our water representing the ways that community weaves us together in connection.

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Order of Service

Our order of service is available both here on our website and in print.

Ringing of the World Bell

Congregational Prelude

“Enter, Rejoice, and Come In” by Louise Ruspini

Welcome & Announcements

Anabel Watson, Connections Coordinator

Land Acknowledgement

Lighting the Chalice Flame

Olivia Sapp, Chalice Leader

Emily Phelps, Julia Phelps

Story Part One

“The Island and the Moon” by Kristin Maier

Stephanie Kimball and Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

Opening Hymn

#123 Spirit of Life

Chalice Circles Testimonial

Deb Fish

Pastoral Prayer and Meditation

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

with reading by KokHeong McNaughton


“Watermark” by Enya

Ray Fellman, piano

During the Offertory, you are invited to silently light a candle to represent a joy or sorrow in your life.

You are invited to participate in this morning’s offering by contributing as the basket passes or online at uucb.churchcenter.com/giving. You may make a non-pledge gift or a contribution towards your annual pledge, or both, at that site. This fiscal year, 25% of our non-pledge Sunday offerings will be donated to Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County to fund the installation of solar panels and energy monitoring systems and mandated radon testing in Habitat homes. The non-profit organization and its volunteers work to make more affordable, energy-efficient, and safe housing available locally. See monroecountyhabitat.org for more information.

Story Part Two

“The Island and the Moon”


“Community Makes Us Strong”

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

Gift of Music

“At the River” by Aaron Copland

UUCB Choir

Dr. Susan Swaney, Music Director

Ray Fellman, piano

Water Communion


#1064 Blue Boat Home

The Blessings of Community

by Douglas Taylor

Gift of Music

“People Get Ready” by Curtis Mayfield, arr. Pederson

UUCB Choir

Daniel Reed, Solo

Colleen Haas, drums

Steve Mascari, bass

Extinguishing the Chalice Flame

Clara Courtney, Chalice Leader


Choral Benediction

“Let Us Go Out” by Pam Blevins Hinkle

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