Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
Contact Visit Us Directory Sign In Giving Search Sunday Services 9:30 and 11:30 AM

March 2, 2025: “A Commitment to Truth”


Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

Does nothing mean anything anymore? I ask myself this question when I hear what George Orwell called “doublespeak” in our current political discourse. Intentional uses of language – like freedom, safety, justice, and efficiency – to distort or disguise the reality and intentions behind policy. How do we remain committed to truth in an age of disinformation and subterfuge?

View the video archive of this service here:

Order of Service
Our order of service is available both here on our website and in print.
Other Sunday Information
Information about other happenings at UUCB each week is available here.

Ringing of the World Bell

Congregational Prelude

“Let the Way” by Abigail McBride, arr. Pam Blevins Hinkle & Aletha Hinkle

Welcome & Announcements

Anabel Watson, Connections Coordinator

Land Acknowledgement

Lighting the Chalice Flame

Jason Michálek, Worship Associate (9:30am)

Sarah Kopper

Sarah Montgomery, Worship Associate (11:30am)

Valerie Elliott

Time for All Ages

Child Dedications


Sawyer, child of Kristin Schumacher and Kyle Fouch

Walden and Iris, children of Renee and Kevin Weaver


Cora, child of Beth Ann Feher and Ian Macdonald

Arvo, child of Sarah Barnett and the late Michael Johnson

Hannah, child of Sarah and London Montgomery

Audrey, child of Mariel Yuhas and Robert Dobler

Congregational Affirmation

On our part, we pledge these children the love and care of this congregation. We dedicate our hearts and minds to these children and their parents. May we be worthy guardians of these young lives. May we build a community in which they will grow surrounded by beauty, embraced by love, and cradled in the arms of peace.

Musical Interlude

Ray Fellman, piano

Pastoral Prayer and Meditation

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray


#1002 Comfort Me

Dedication of Offering

During the Offertory, you are invited to silently light a candle to represent a joy or sorrow in your life.

You are invited to participate in this morning’s offering by through this link uucb.churchcenter.com/giving - with the drop down option titled “Sunday Plate.” You may make a non-pledge gift or a contribution towards your annual pledge, or both, at that site. This fiscal year, 25% of our non-pledge Sunday offerings will be donated to Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County to fund the installation of solar panels and energy monitoring systems and mandated radon testing in Habitat homes. The non-profit organization and its volunteers work to make more affordable, energy-efficient, and safe housing available locally. See monroecountyhabitat.org for more information.

If you pay your pledge through the Sunday offering, please write “pledge” on your check, on an envelope with your contribution, or by donating at uucb.churchcenter.com/giving.


Ray Fellman, piano


from “September 1, 1939” by W.H. Auden

Gift of Music

“Choose Something Like a Star,”

text by Robert Frost, music by Randall Thompson

UUCB Choir

Susan Swaney, Director of Music


“Commitment to Truth”

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

Closing Hymn

#300 With Heart and Mind


Choral Benediction

“Let Us go Out” by Pam Blevins Hinkle

Welcome Guests!

Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington!

We are so glad you are here. To learn more, visit uubloomington.org.

Guest Card: tinyurl.com/UUCBwelcome

To receive our email newsletters or connect with a member of our staff, please complete our Guest Card online or at the Welcome table in the lobby.

Looking for more ways to get involved? Complete this form to help us connect with you: tinyurl.com/UUCBgetinvolved

Hearing assistive devices are available at the AV Tech booth in the rear of the Meeting Room for use during Sunday worship services.

  • Childcare is available today from 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in Room 108.
  • Spirit Play will be exploring the story, “And Tango Makes Three,” exploring the values of Pluralism, Love, and Equity.
  • In Kids' Club, we'll explore our commitment to Equity, and the importance of everybody getting what they need, through the story, “Fair Is Fair, Isn't It?”
  • Join us for Community Hour after each service in Fellowship Hall.
  • The UU Freethinkers meet today at 1 p.m. in Room 208.

View our full calendar of upcoming events: uucb.churchcenter.com/calendar

To make a donation online, visit: uucb.churchcenter.com/giving

UU Church Staff:

Reverend Susan Frederick-Gray, Lead Minister

Dr. Stephanie Kimball, Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Dr. Susan Swaney, Music Director

Amanda Waye, Director of Administration

Anabel Watson, Connections Coordinator

Hans Kelson, Technology Coordinator

Jo Bowman, Communications Coordinator

Dylan Marks, Sexton