Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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March 30, 2025, at 4pm: Installation of the Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

Photo of Susan Frederick-Gray

All members and friends are invited to share in this celebration as the congregation officially installs the Rev. Susan as our Settled Minister.

A Unitarian Universalist Installation Service formally celebrates the covenantal relationship between a minister and the congregation that has called the minister. The Installation is a celebration of the joy that we all feel for having found one another, and our agreement to enter into a covenant of shared ministry. It marks our congregation’s successful completion of the ministerial search process, and follows our congregational vote to call Reverend Susan as our minister at the end of her candidating week in April 2025.

The Installation Service is centered around a spoken ritual that lifts up our covenant with one another. Our service will incorporate most of the usual elements of worship at UUCB, including special music. Specially invited guest ministers will offer the sermon, a Charge to the Congregation, and a Charge to the Minister. The service offers an invitation to individual and communal transformation, as well as an opportunity to live our faith in the world.

Rev. Katie Romano Griffin will be preaching. Her sermon is, "Healing Begins in the Heartland." She is the minister at All Souls Unitarian Church of Indianapolis, Indiana.

Rev. Sarah Stewart will be offering the charge to the Minister. She is minister at First Unitarian Church of Worcester, Massachusetts

Rev. Mary Ann Macklin and Rev. Bill Breeden will offer the charge to the congregation. They are former ministers of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington. 

Additional participants include:

Rev. Nic Cable, minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbus, Indiana

Rev. Beth Johnson, minister of the Unitarian Church of Hinsdale, Illinois

and more!

To join this service over the internet, please see our live stream page.