Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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May 26, 2024: “Celebrating 75 Years: The History of the UUCB Choir”


“Celebrating 75 Years: The History of the UUCB Choir”

As we continue to honor the 75th anniversary of the founding of this congregation, we’ll review the history of the UUCB choir with music and words.

Reception to Honor Dr. Susan Swaney

Please join us in honoring Dr. Susan Swaney on May 26, 2024, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Sue has served as Music Director of UUCB for 32 years, longer than any other staff member of UUCB has served. If you are able, please bring a pie to share, sweet or savory. Beverages will be provided. Please contact Connie Loftman using this form to let her know what kind of pie you will bring and any questions you may have.

As part of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of UUCB, the 45th anniversary of our choir, and the 32nd anniversary of Sue’s leadership, we are suggesting that financial contributions may be made to the Sue Swaney Composition Fund. The Fund has existed for many years and has funded original compositions for the choir, many of which honored deceased UUCB choir members.

-Connie Loftman

View the video archive of this service here:

Order of Service

Our order of service is available both here on our website and in print.

Ringing of the World Bell

Congregational Prelude

“Earth, Courage, Calm Abiding” by Sarah Flint, commissioned in memory of Cherry Merritt-Darriau

Welcome & Announcements

Anabel Watson, Connections Coordinator

Land Acknowledgement

Lighting the Chalice Flame

“The Chalice is the Container” by Marnie Singer

Susan Swaney, Music Director

Opening Words

“A New Song, a New Harmony” by Robert French Leavens, adapted by Richard Gilbert

Rev. Connie Grant

Opening Hymn

#358 “Rank by Rank” (with revised lyrics by Kendyl Gibbons and Cynthia Landrum)

Special Music

“Bright Morning Stars Are Rising” choral arrangement by Connie Loftman and Bob Lucas

UUCB Choir, Solos: Sam Cusack and Jim Thurmond

Susan Swaney, Music Director

Musical Interlude

Ray Fellman, piano


from “Music Program Grew Along with Congregation” by Douglas and Margaret Strong” from “Stories from the Tree of Life: The First Fifty Years”

Special Music

“Adoramus Te, Christe” by Giovanni Palestrina


“Our Unitarian Universalist Church Choir of Bloomington, Indiana, 1979-1983” by Connie Loftman

Pastoral Prayer and Meditation

“Thanks for Singers” by Michael Leunig


J.S. Bach, Air on the G String

Sebastian Petzinger, trumpet, Stephen Stavnicky, trumpet, Elizabeth Cooksey, horn, Peter Bye, trombone, Samuel Salazar, tuba

During the Offertory, you are invited to silently light a candle to represent a joy or sorrow in your life.

You are invited to participate in this morning’s offering by contributing as the basket passes or online at uucb.churchcenter.com/giving. You may make a non-pledge gift or a contribution towards your annual pledge, or both, at that site. This fiscal year, 25% of our non-pledge Sunday offerings will be given to All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center, which provides cloth and disposable diapers/wipes, pregnancy tests, feeding supplies, and other essentials to families in need. See alloptionsprc.org for more information.


“Take Your Instrument Out of the Case”

Erica Whichello, Worship Associate

Gift of Music

“Gloria” from Christmas Cantata by Daniel Pinkham

UUCB Choir with guest Brass Quintet


Guy Loftman

Closing Hymn

#327 “Joy, Thou Goddess”

Extinguishing the Chalice Flame

“As Breath to Song” by Becky Laurent


Choral Benediction

“Benedictus” by Mary Goetze, words by Violet “Cookie” Lynch

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