Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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UU Bazaar: Long history, modern relevance

The 2023 UU Bazaar, our 64th, will be held on Dec 1 and 2. The church will be transformed into a holiday wonderland with over 25 artisans in the main meeting room, cookies and gourmet treats for sale in Fellowship Hall, a used book sale, a white elephant sale, offerings from some of our Social Justice Task Forces, and a cafe serving soup, sandwiches, and desserts.

The Bazaar is in line with our mission of Seeking the Spirit, Building Community and Changing the World. We create a holiday spirit, one of cooperation, honoring the talents and gifts of church members and community members alike. We build community by reaching out to the general public, bringing them into the church in a welcoming way and by giving church members a chance to get together to staff booths, serve soup, shelve books, and work together in the festive atmosphere. Changing the world happens as new friendships are formed, money is raised for task force projects and artists are supported. And, we raise funds for the general budget of the church.

There are so many ways for church members to be involved in the Bazaar:

  • Donating books and white elephants -- donations accepted starting Sunday, November 26
  • Bake or make a gourmet treat
  • Bake holiday cookies. Cookies are sold by the pound, so make heavy, colorful ones! Last year, we ran out of cookies. Let's not let that happen again.
  • Volunteer to help coordinate the cookie sale, the white elephants, or the book sale
  • Volunteer later in November for the many tasks involved in the Bazaar
  • Volunteer to pick up persimmons, process persimmons or bake something using last year's persimmons.

When you are ready to volunteer, please contact Ruellen Fessenbecker, rfessenb@indiana.edu.

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for September 2023. Click to read the full issue!