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Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Shambhala Meditation, Mondays at Noon: Real community without saying a word

We could all use a friend. Someone who'll listen to our thoughts without judgment.

Guess what? You've got one; yourself! Come be with yourself in the company of others. In this busy and fractured world, we may not take the time to sit down and let our own thoughts be heard. Here, no one else needs to know. We have a safe space to sit down and breathe together. Meditation has so many health and mental benefits. If you've never tried meditation, our gentle instruction will help you settle into a session of knowing more about yourself, or feeling heard (by yourself), or just using the time to rest from our busy monkey minds. As with any discipline, it takes practice. That's why we offer an hour of meditation every Monday from 12 to 1 pm, upstairs in the church library and online. Led by Leigh Grundhoffer and Susan Middlestadt.

What is Shambhala Meditation? Learn more at shambhala.org.

To join online, click on the Shambhala Meditation event listing on our calendar to find the Zoom link.

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for September 2023. Click to read the full issue!