Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Classes for All Ages and Stages this Fall

From our Director of Lifespan Religious Education, Stephanie Kimball

September: the month when so many of our calendars start filling up with classes, entertainment, football games, kids’ activities, and so much more. For some it may be a time of harvest, or time to enjoy these last glorious weeks of summer, or time to turn your attention to preparations for winter. Whatever your calendar looks like, I hope that you will carve out some time amidst the busy-ness to focus on your growth as a Unitarian Universalist, whatever that may mean for you!

This year we have offerings for all ages, stages, backgrounds, interests, and styles. There are opportunities for spiritual growth through art, poetry, reading, writing, and discussion. You can learn about the variety among early versions of Christianity, or explore the evolution of Unitarian Universalism. You can pursue your own journey toward racial justice, possibly including joining our Indigenous Studies Working Group to learn more about the people upon whose lands our community was built. Or explore important UU topics through the lens of well-known Humanist writers. Perhaps it’s time for you to write (or revisit) your own UU credo. There will be a new cohort forming to pursue the inner work of aging, and, for the first time in many years, we are offering the adult level of OWL (Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education). On September 10, you’ll have a chance to meet facilitators, review materials, and ask questions at our Religious Education Fair in Fellowship Hall after the service. If you’d like a sneak peak at the wide range of classes, workshops, book groups, and other activities, please click here.

Note: The following classes begin soon! Please sign up NOW: Creative Expressions, Listening In, and Credo-Building Workshop.

Parents, please make sure you have enrolled your children for this year’s religious education programming – whether they are infants or toddlers attending childcare, children participating in Spirit Play or Kids’ Club, or youth interested in middle and high school youth group opportunities. Keeping your family’s information up-to-date ensures that you’ll receive relevant and timely information, including announcements about OWL, invitations to baby dedications, Age of Reason celebrations, and more; it helps our teachers prepare and be ready to welcome everyone into their classes; and it helps keep kids safe by letting us know about allergies, who their parents and siblings are, and any special information you wish to share. (Note: you won’t find the registration page in Church Center sign-ups; it is a form that you can access through this link!)

Fall Sunday morning programming for children begins on September 17. Our 4-6 year-olds will continue with Spirit Play, exploring beloved stories that highlight our UU principles, traditions, values, and history, as well as wisdom from other religious traditions. Kids' Club will focus on the Toolbox of Faith curriculum, reflecting on the qualities ("tools") of our faith and gaining insight into what makes our faith important in our lives.

In January, we will begin OWL (Our Whole Lives) sexuality education classes for K-1 as well as grades 4-5. (OWL for 7th & 8th graders will be offered again next year.) Please watch for announcements of mandatory parent/child meetings coming up later this fall! There is no registration form for these classes, as children are only enrolled once their caregivers have attended the appropriate information meetings and submitted signed consent forms. (Again: please make sure your child's age and grade information is up-to-date in our database, so that you receive appropriate notices.)

Whatever your age, stage, interests, background and style, may life's fullness be a blessing for you. And may you continue on your journey of seeking, learning and growing!

Stephanie Kimball
Director of Lifespan Religious Education

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for September 2023. Click to read the full issue!