Welcoming Team Introduction
So much of what I, other staff, and our UUCB leaders (and we can all be leaders), do involves the creation of space, programmatic structures, and the facilitation of connections that allow the community to grow. While I cannot experience or participate in community activity on behalf of UUCB congregants, I can focus attention on what is needed in order to allow that participation to occur.
Yesterday, the UUCB Welcoming Team met for our first meeting (David Keppel, Libby DeVoe, Emily Phelps, Jackie Hall, Joan Caulton, Lynn Struve, Rev. Connie, and Anabel Watson). We focused attention on a parallel endeavor, the creation of a welcoming environment. Strengthening the welcoming-ness of our community environment similarly encourages participation and experience of our offerings as it helps folks feel invited in.
Keep an eye out on Sundays for congregants wearing blue peony nametag sashes (pictured) – the peony is the state flower of Indiana. We will, along with any of our typical Sunday activities, be focusing on the cultivation of a welcoming environment and addressing gaps that may arise in the needs of our community space. As the Welcoming Team roles are still solidifying, we have identified some initial projects and pursuits that we hope will caringly nourish our community’s welcoming atmosphere. These include items such as (but not limited to): organizing name tags in a more navigable manner, working on accessibility-focused materials, orienting newcomers by the Welcome Table, and ensuring orders of service are accessible to all.
As the Welcoming Team works to make our space more welcoming, we also encourage everyone to help do the same in a few simple ways. You can:
- make sure to wear your name tag
- be aware of the seating needs of folks with mobility needs in the Meeting Room (it is OK to move a chair to make room)
- update your photo and contact information in the online directory
- look for pronoun stickers for your name tag if needed
- help direct newcomers to the Welcome Table to fill out a Guest Card or request a name tag
Thank you for any of these actions, and more, that you consider taking in order to help enhance the welcoming atmosphere of our community.
On a programmatic level, UUCB has various offerings in the coming month that will more literally “welcome” folks into the community. We consistently offer “New to UU” on the first Sunday of the month. This is a brief introductory class that I facilitate after the service for folks looking for orientation, understanding of Unitarian Universalism and current activities at UUCB, and more focused discussion with others visiting for the first (or nearly first) time. “Exploring the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington” is a more in-depth class that folks completing “New to UU” are invited to attend. All looking to become official UUCB members or who are desiring a deeper dive into and understanding of UU’ism and our church community are also very strongly encouraged to attend. This summer/fall’s offering of Exploring UUCB will occur on September 17 and 24, facilitated by longtime congregants, various staff, and a representative of our Stewardship Team. If you know of anyone who might appreciate this class, please help us welcome them with an invitation to participate, link HERE. Similarly, if you are aware of any young adults looking to learn about Unitarian Universalism, or who might enjoy being a part of our community, feel free to welcome them to attend the after-service Pizza Gathering on September 17. A public Facebook event is accessible HERE.
I am continually grateful for the welcoming energy I have received from you all in the past year-and-a-quarter. I am grateful and inspired by the desire within this community to be a welcoming, inclusive, and nourishing place. I hope that you will give some thought today toward what you can do to continue this endeavor within our community.
With gratitude,
Anabel Watson
Connections Coordinator