Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Fellowship Dinners

The perfect way to meet newcomers and old timers in small, convivial groups!

At Fellowship Dinners, you share a potluck meal with a small group of friendly UUs in someone’s home. Once a year you host, if you are able. Dinners will take place in October and November 2023 and January through April 2024.

Sign up here for the months you would like to participate!

Fellowship Dinners Signup (2023-24)

The Fellowship Dinners coordinator will send a list of guests to the host, who will contact the guests, establish a mutually agreed upon date for the meal, and prepare the main dish. The guests bring the rest of the dishes for the meal: appetizer, salad, vegetable, dessert, beverage, etc. Be creative and carefree! The Fellowship Dinner can be a dinner, or it could be a breakfast, brunch, lunch, or picnic! Learn more.

Contact coordinator Kathy Gilbert with any questions at fwpdinners@uubloomington.org.

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for September 2023. Click to read the full issue!