Perspectives for March 2025

- From Rev. Susan
- Education Matters
- From the Connections Coordinator
- From the Board of Directors
- From the Settled Ministry Planning Team
- Social Justice Task Force of the Month - International Outreach Task Force
- Community Care and Connection
- From the Library Committee
- Social Justice Funds Committee
- Just Peace Task Force
- Refugee and Immigrant Support and Education
- Upcoming Services
- Attendance, Offering, and Membership Information
Table of Contents
From Rev. Susan
Commitment in our Lives
When my now husband and I first sat down with the minister we asked to marry us, he said that what we were doing - in choosing to get married - was a radical act. He said that what was once totally conventional had become radical as fewer and fewer people were choosing the path of commitment and marriage. I smiled - happy to be considered radical in some ways. This was more than 20 years ago, and today there are plenty of articles and entire books written about whether commitment is a thing of the past.
Religion and being a part of a religious community — even our progressive (sometimes radical) UU religious community – invites us into a life of commitment. It may be countercultural today, but making commitment to others, to a community, to our values is a source of growth, depth, and meaning in our lives. I am proud to understand myself as someone who believes in commitment.
So, UUCB are you, are we, ready to make a commitment to each other? At the end of March, we will hold an Installation Service, whereby we - the congregation of UUCB, and me as your minister - make a formal covenant to join our gifts in a shared ministry. The installation service is a traditional practice in Unitarian Universalism and it is an invitation for ministers and leaders from around our state and region to come and celebrate this happy occasion. The language of “installation” may seem foreign. I like to think of it as this: the first several months I have been downloading into your congregational system - we’ve learned a lot of basics about each other, we’ve begun to build a foundation of trust, and we are ready to take the next step in formalizing our commitment - a covenant to join together in a growing and deepening ministry. And we hope, through this commitment, not only will each of us be changed - by learning and growing together - but that our shared ministry will also make a measurable difference in our wider community.
Commitment may seem to some an outdated relic of the past, but truly, there is power and meaning and even freedom to be found in living a life of commitment. Yes, it is challenging to commit ourselves to other people, to values we hold dear, to institutions and communities - but the growth and meaning and wisdom that grows from the promise and practice of commitment makes our lives richer and has value beyond what we may see as the limitations.
As we explore the theme of commitment throughout the month of March, I invite you to reflect on how commitment has been challenging or restrictive to your growth and where has it fostered greater depth, love, and meaning? And to ask yourself the question, to what are you – is your life - committed?

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, Lead Minister
Education Matters
Commitments are like the action plans for intentions. For instance, if my intention is to maintain good health, perhaps I commit to going to the gym on a regular basis or staying within certain dietary guidelines. I know there are times when we make commitments out of guilt, peer pressure, or a sense of limited options, but what I’m most interested in today are aspirational commitments – the ones that stretch us out of our complacency, beyond our sense of limitation, and toward fulfilling our deepest intentions.
In our Valentine Service a couple weeks ago I raised the question, what if we committed to be a community of people who practice love as a spiritual discipline? Generally, we think of commitment as a solitary thing, and that makes sense, because we can really only speak for ourselves. But there are advantages to working in community, especially in challenging times. In community, we can support each other. We can keep each other real, and realistic, in our goals, reminding each other to stay focused on what’s important. We can hold each other and ourselves accountable. We can share the load, and celebrate together. And as a covenantal faith, that is what Unitarian Universalists do. We don’t necessarily look for instructions in a book or sacred text to tell us what to do in times like these. We don’t wait for leaders to pass down edicts. We may find inspiration in these places but our power as Unitarian Universalists is that we gather in community, and envision the world we want to create, and then covenant together to be how we need to be in order to make that collective vision reality.
Here, briefly, is how I am thinking about what it means to practice love as a spiritual discipline, in this historical moment.
- Loving ourselves. Committing to doing what is necessary to keep ourselves healthy, grounded, energized, and focused
- Loving each other. Finding ways to ensure that everyone has someone who will listen when they need to talk, and to remind each other of tools, resources and practices useful in staying grounded. Developing a community culture that encourages rest, recognizing that nobody needs to do everything. And coming together to celebrate our wins, our community, and Life in general.
- Loving the world. Finding ways to express and hold tight to our vision of beloved community. Building relationships, listening, and learning how we can be helpful and then organizing to do that. Pooling resources, sharing information, engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience, writing letters, showing up for our neighbors.
And here are some ideas I offer as elements of a covenant we could make together:
I/we covenant together to…
- show up for ourselves and each other, our community and world;
- ask for help, honoring our need for rest and other care;
- resist harmful habits, including doom scrolling, posting or commenting for outrage, spreading unvetted information, exaggerating, tuning out, spreading despair;
- speak the truth, doing our research and checking our sources;
- protect and defend people under attack.
- look for the spark of the sacred in every person;
- care for our container, this community that holds us, by contributing our time, talent, and treasure.
What would you add? What would you change?
I believe that if we do this together, we can make ourselves collectively ready for a coordinated response to the attacks on our democratic society and institutions. Imagine what we could achieve if we were all at our best: clear-headed, grounded in our most deeply cherished values, well-rested, inspired, calm, present, and prepared. In a time when overwhelm and exhaustion are tactics employed against us, committing to our personal and collective well-being is an important act of resistance.
To me, this is how we win. Just as importantly, this is how we live into our highest aspirations, keep ourselves and each other healthy, build relationships, and move humanity forward. Will you join me?
From the Connections Coordinator
Let’s Welcome Our New Members!
With this month’s newsletter theme of commitment, it seems apt to introduce the new members of our congregation who have made a commitment to this church. Below you will find bios for eleven new members out of the twenty-one who have made the commitment of membership since the last publication of new member bios in Perspectives last fall.
Membership involves more than a financial commitment. It is also an internal commitment to nurture and make this community a thriving home for all who participate (including oneself), through actions such as participation in worship, involvement in committees, social justice task forces and groups, decision-making at congregational meetings, and a commitment to learning through the lens of UU values. The involvement of members in these various areas can look different over time as members’ available time and life demands fluctuate. I invite anyone reading this month’s Perspectives issue to join me in welcoming our new members introduced below as well as those not listed who are undoubtedly becoming involved in the diverse activities of this welcoming community.
Anyone interested in learning more about membership and/or general engagement in the activities of our congregation is welcome to send me an email. I am happy to correspond or set up a time to have a conversation.
New Member Bios
Martha Crossen:
I grew up in a small town in Kansas and have lived many places since, including Terre Haute and now Bloomington. I am married to Don Richards. Our daughter, Emma Crossen attends UUCB with her daughters, Virginia and Harriet. Our daughter Abby lives in Vermont with her family. I practiced law in Ohio and Indiana for many years. In addition I have experience in nonprofit management and owned a retail yarn shop for 15 years. Community building and civic responsibility are important to me. I feel lucky to have found UUCB and look forward to getting more involved.
Jenny Deaton:
Gwen and I live in the Center Grove area with our Dog (Dak) and Cat (Linus). I've worked in I.T. as well as a Fiduciary Officer, serving as legal guardian for seniors and incapacitated adults. I now own a small indoor pickleball business in Franklin. I graduated from IU and we are grateful to be welcomed into the UUCB community.
Carl Deitchman:
I recently returned to Indiana after living out West in Montana and Arizona for 20 years. I live alone and am recently retired from financial management for nonprofits. I have an MBA from IU. In my younger life, I was a Benedictine monk and priest at Saint Meinrad Archabbey for 25 years. My late husband, Bob, and I were involved with the Big Sky UU Fellowship in Helena, Montana. It's good to be back home again in Indiana and involved in a UU community of love and action.
Andrew Hammond:
Andrew Hammond moved to Bloomington in January 2023 with his spouse Bonnie Ernst and their son John. Andrew and Bonnie are both professors at IU, and John is a kindergartner at Bloomington Montessori. Andrew grew up in Ridgewood, New Jersey, Bonnie grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and they met as undergraduates at the University of Chicago. When not on campus, they like to read, explore the outdoors, travel, and enjoy the arts at Jacobs and in Chicago.
Peg Hausman:
I'm 72, a former Air Force brat, Catholic, Peace Corps teacher, and editor. God stopped making sense to me in college, but Catholicism taught me I owed help and love to others and should strive for justice and kindness. And I still wonder about spiritual bonds linking people and the world. So I feel lucky I found UU.
I sing tenor in the choir; studied comp lit in school and still love books, the arts, history and politics. Married since 1978, with two bicoastal sons (NYC and LA) and a granddog.
Lynne Lovelace:
I am retired from a teaching career in Boston, MA and Charleston, SC. I live in Bloomington with my wonderful husband, Tim. Our family lives far away except for grandson Leonardo Mascari—Happily he and his mom and dad are here!
Tai chi, nature, music, and boogie boarding are some of my favorite things.
I have been attending church and immersed in Spiritual study for over 50 years. I should have a halo by now, but I do not.
Sidra Luna:
Hello, my name is Sidra Luna. I am originally from Bloomington. I met my husband, Anthony Vargo, at Sugar & Spice in the Indiana Memorial Union 24 years ago. We’ve been married for 17 years and have two children, Aragon (12) and Amaranth (10). I’m a stay-at-home mom and babysit locally. I have a bachelor’s from IU and diplomas in early childhood education and horticulture from NZ. I’ve lived in Tennessee, Chicago, Austin, and New Zealand (Auckland for 4 years and Christchurch for 3 years). Lastly, for three years I worked as an RE teacher for the Auckland Unitarian Church.
Jennie Mosora:
My name is Jennie Mosora and I have two sons, Silas and Oliver, ages 21 and 18. I was married for 22 years and have been divorced for nine. My degree is in Special Education from Indiana University Bloomington. I have lived in the Bloomington area since I was five years old. My son and I have both rented garden plots at Willie Street garden and hope to grow tomatoes soon!
Don Richards:
I was born in a suburb of Kansas City and have lived in five states: Kansas, Iowa, California, Ohio, and Indiana. I am married to Martha Crossen, and we have two daughters and four grandchildren. I taught mechanical engineering at The Ohio State University and retired in 2017 after 29 years teaching at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute. We moved to Bloomington in May 2024 and are enjoying the community. I especially enjoy singing in the UUCB choir.
Kathy Riebau:
My husband and I moved to Bloomington in 2022. Natives of Wisconsin, we moved here to be closer to our beautiful young granddaughter who will soon be joined by a baby brother. Before retiring, I taught choral and general music in Wisconsin and, for a short time, in Durango Colorado. I have been visiting the church since our move, and find myself excited to be among the friendly, committed members of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington.
Gwen White:
Jenny Deaton and I share a home in the woods with our dog, Daiquiri, and our cat, Linus. After a career in The US Fish and Wildlife Service, I teach conservation biology at IU. I grew up in Kansas and Colorado. We raised four children in Indianapolis and now have four wonderful grandchildren in California and Indy. I enjoy gardening and traveling. I served in the US Peace Corps in Honduras in 1988-89. We are happy to be here!
James Nelson Wolf:
With my UU membership, I join my wife Amy, who has been a member here since our arrival in Bloomington approximately six years ago. We have been married since1986 and have two adult children.
I retired from a career in hospital and health care administration in 2012. My education was received at the University of Minnesota and the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health (now the Bloomberg School of Public Health).
I grew up in a small town in southern Minnesota. My grandfather was mayor when they paved Main Street. Due to the increase in taxes to pay for this extravagance, he was voted out of office in the next election, in a very close election I might add. To go fishing, I could ride my bike to a lake about two miles out of town. I won the purple (championship) ribbon for potatoes at the county fair two years in a row.

With gratitude,
Anabel Watson
Connections Coordinator
From the Board of Directors
Sanctuary Congregation
We as a congregation took a powerful stance together in 2017 by adopting our Sanctuary Congregation Resolution. The Board reviewed the Resolution at our meeting on February 19, 2025, and we share it now as a reminder of the commitment our congregation made.
The Sanctuary Congregation Resolution was adopted on March 9, 2017 at a Special Congregational Meeting, by unanimous vote of 167 Members. Minutes from the meeting are available here. The Resolution reads as follows:
“We hereby resolve to become officially and publicly known as a Sanctuary Congregation, letting that be known to groups who may coordinate a relationship with someone nearing deportation, as well as informing the broader Bloomington, Southern Indiana, and UU communities of our intention and commitment.
Before hosting a person or family in our space, we will seek to build a relationship with them so that each party feels comfortable that this would be a fruitful and safe undertaking, respecting the needs and boundaries of both the guest and the congregation. By virtue of our policy-based governance, the Senior Minister will be responsible for undertaking the implementation of this process (though she may delegate that as necessary). The Board of Directors will set policies around this process, and monitor the situation in accordance with its governance model, offering support on behalf of the congregation, when and as is possible.”
The Board has asked Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray to resume work on what implementation would look like. She shared with the Board that to house people in sanctuary we would need dedicated private space for an individual or family to live in, and we would need congregants to volunteer for shifts to ensure there is always a congregant or staff member in the building, including overnight. We have not committed to housing anyone at this time but want to make sure we understand what would be required, should we be asked.
We encourage our UUCB community to take time to reflect on our role as a Sanctuary Congregation and to prepare to join a congregation-wide effort.

In commitment,
Mary Craig
Board Member At-large
From the Settled Ministry Planning Team
Join in the Celebration: Installation Service of the Reverend Susan Frederick-Gray
Sunday, March 30th at 4pm, in the Meeting Room
Reception to follow in Fellowship Hall
Please join in this important community celebration of our shared ministry!
A Unitarian Universalist Installation Service formally celebrates the covenantal relationship between a minister and the congregation that has called the minister. The Installation is a celebration of the joy that we all feel for having found one another, and our agreement to enter into a covenant of shared ministry. It marks our congregation’s successful completion of the ministerial search process, and follows our congregational vote to call Reverend Susan as our minister at the end of her candidating week in April 2025.
The Installation Service is centered around a spoken ritual that lifts up our covenant with one another. Our service will incorporate most of the usual elements of worship at UUCB, including special music. Specially invited guest ministers will offer the sermon, a Charge to the Congregation, and a Charge to the Minister. The service offers an invitation to individual and communal transformation, as well as an opportunity to live our faith in the world.
Your presence at the Installation Service as a member or friend of the congregation is important and meaningful. Please join in this communal act of commitment, trust, and joy.
Watch for volunteer opportunities in the Friday Update. We will need helpers with the reception, set-up, serving, and clean-up.
– From your Settled Ministry Planning Team
Mary Beth O’Brien, Michael McGregor, Denise Breeden-Ost, Ann Kamman, Olaya Fernandez-Gayol, Sarah Montgomery, Andrew Appel
Social Justice Task Force of the Month - International Outreach Task Force

March is International Outreach Task Force’s Social Justice Month, and we are going all out to raise funds for providing essential help to the Spurgeon’s Academy for orphaned children in Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya - a school with over 400 students! We are their next most important supporter after a British charity. Funds raised are used to provide necessary food, supplies, books, and more! We are also collecting used children’s clothing (K-9)! They can use nonfrilly dresses that will withstand handwashing, jeans, pants, tees, skirts, tights, boys' shorts, sweaters and sweatshirts, light coats, etc. Some of us usually donate new socks and underwear--we don't take used in these categories. Fill up the bin under the Social Justice Table in the Commons! We are currently planning our exciting June group trip to Nairobi, always a life changing experience. Unexpectedly, there is now a space available for the trip—have fun while doing good! AND, March 9th is our big day for the SJ moment, the delicious soup lunch and bake sale after the second service, so stick around!
Community Care and Connection
Welcome to a new Perspectives article where we highlight ways to care for and connect with fellow Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington congregants. This space will also live as a bulletin page on our website and will be featured in Perspectives as need arises.
The Documentary, “A Generation at War,” created by Alan Backler, David Gudaitis, Larry Laswell and Liz Mitchell.
Some people have asked me when the documentary that Alan and colleagues created could be viewed. “A Generation At War” will be shown in the auditorium of the Monroe County Public Library on March 4th at 6:00 p.m. It will also be shown on WTIU March 3rd at 8:00 p.m., March 4th at 1:30 p.m., and March 9th at 4:30 p.m. - Barb Backler
We send our love to UUCB member, Bill Lonnberg, whose mother died on Sunday, February 17 in Evansville, IN. Evelynne Lonnberg was 101 years old and surrounded by family when she passed. Her obituary is here
We continue to hold in our care UUCB member, Lee Strickholm, whose son Peter Strickholm died in early February. Peter was part of our larger church family, and was a significant contributor to our music program. His obituary is here
Check out the new listings on the Bulletin Board at the Courtyard entrance. Carol Ver Wiebe diligently updates them with newspaper clippings about UU's in the News!
From the Library Committee
Several months ago the committee recognized the library collection needed more representation of Indigenous Native American peoples. To address the issue, we added the following titles:

Charleston, Steven “Spirit Wheel: Meditations from an Indigenous Elder"
This stunning collection of more than two hundred meditations introduces us to the Spirit Wheel and the four directions that ground Native spirituality: tradition, kinship, vision, and balance. The life we inhabit together has been called many things by Indigenous people: the Spirit Wheel, the hoop of the nations, the great circle of existence, the medicine wheel. We are all on that ever-turning wheel, Charleston says--all of creation, people and animals, rocks and trees, the whole universe. Together we can turn toward the wisdom of our ancestors, kinship with all of Mother Earth's creatures, the vision of the Spirit, and mindful balance of life. We are all searching for belonging and a vision of the world that makes sense. We can meet those longings as we ponder the blessings of Spirit Wheel, in the breathtaking moments when insight becomes an invitation to wonder.

Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne. “An Indigenous People’s History of the US.”
Today in the United States, there are more than five hundred federally recognized Indigenous nations comprising nearly three million people, descendants of the fifteen million Native people who once inhabited this land. The centuries-long genocidal program of the US settler-colonial regimen has largely been omitted from history. Now, for the first time, acclaimed historian and activist Roxanne Dunbar-Ortizoffers a history of the United States told from the perspective of Indigenous peoples and reveals how Native Americans, for centuries, actively resisted expansion of the US empire.
Spanning more than four hundred years, this classic bottom-up peoples’ history radically reframes US history and explodes the silences that have haunted our national narrative.

Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne. “All the Real Indians Died Off”: And 20 Other Myths About Native Americans.
In this enlightening book, scholars and activists Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz and Dina Gilio-Whitaker tackle a wide range of myths about Native American culture and history that have misinformed generations. Tracing how these ideas evolved, and drawing from history, the authors disrupt long-held and enduring myths such as:
“Columbus Discovered America”
“Thanksgiving Proves the Indians Welcomed Pilgrims”
“Indians Were Savage and Warlike”
“Europeans Brought Civilization to Backward Indians”
“The United States Did Not Have a Policy of Genocide”
“Sports Mascots Honor Native Americans”
“Most Indians Are on Government Welfare”
“Indian Casinos Make Them All Rich”
“Indians Are Naturally Predisposed to Alcohol”

Silverman, David J. “This Land Is Their Land: The Wampanoag Indians, Plymouth Colony, and the Troubled History of Thanksgiving.”
In March 1621, when Plymouth's survival was hanging in the balance, the Wampanoag sachem (or chief), Ousamequin (Massasoit), and Plymouth's governor, John Carver, declared their people's friendship for each other and a commitment to mutual defense. Later that autumn, the English gathered their first successful harvest and lifted the specter of starvation. Ousamequin and 90 of his men then visited Plymouth for the “First Thanksgiving.” The treaty remained operative until King Philip's War in 1675, when 50 years of uneasy peace between the two parties would come to an end.
400 years after that famous meal, historian David J. Silverman sheds profound new light on the events that led to the creation, and bloody dissolution, of this alliance. Focusing on the Wampanoag Indians, Silverman deepens the narrative to consider tensions that developed well before 1620 and lasted long after the devastating war-tracing the Wampanoags' ongoing struggle for self-determination up to this very day.

Loewen, James W. “Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong.”
In Lies My Teacher Told Me, James W. Loewen brings history alive in all its complexity and ambiguity. Beginning with pre-Columbian history and ranging over characters and events as diverse as Reconstruction, Helen Keller, the first Thanksgiving, the My Lai massacre, 9/11, and the Iraq War, Loewen offers an eye-opening critique of existing textbooks, and a wonderful retelling of American history as it should - and could - be taught to American students. While this title does not focus entirely on Indigenous peoples, Reverend Susan touched on it in one of her sermons. We deemed the book worthy of inclusion in the collection.
Social Justice Funds Committee
The process for nominating our next local non-profit agency to receive 25% of Sunday non-pledge plate collections is approaching. An application form with guidelines is available by clicking here for those who would like to nominate an agency to receive the funds from July 2025 – June 2026. The application deadline will be April 15th, after which the Social Justice Funds Committee will choose three nominee finalists for the congregation to vote on at the spring congregational meeting in June. Our contributions to the current recipient, Habitat for Humanity is $2706.34 with 2 more quarters to go. The total donated to last year’s recipient Bloomington All Options Pregnancy was $6372.62. Which local non-profit agency would you like to see be our next recipient?
Those who submit applications must be able to meet the following obligations: (1) contact the agency you support to gather the information necessary to complete the application. If you are among the three finalists chosen you will need to (2) provide a 200 word written information on the agency to be published in the May Perspective or Friday Update; (3) arrange for written materials to be available at the church throughout May, and (4) give a brief 3-minute presentation during the service on the Sunday of the June congregational meeting, including an overview of the organization and an explanation of how the funds will be spent. The agency will also be tabling after services in late May and June.
Be watching for further announcements from the Social Justice Funds Committee. Contact Denise Ogren, SJFC Chair, at or through this contact form with any questions.
The Social Justice Funds Committee: Denise Ogren, Steve Mascari, Sarah Kopper, Sandy Davoren, Scott Sanders Advisor: Jackie Hall
Just Peace Task Force

The Just Peace Task Force is thrilled to announce that Dr. Ira Helfand, winner of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize, will be our guest for a March 26th address on how we can help prevent nuclear war.
Ira Helfand, MD, is a member of the International Steering Group of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), the recipient of the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize. He is also immediate past president of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), the founding partner of ICAN and itself the recipient of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize. He is also co-founder and past president of Physicians for Social Responsibility, IPPNW’s US affiliate.
Dr. Helfand will be speaking on Wednesday, March 26th at 7 p.m. at First United Church, 2420 East Third Street (by Prompt Care). His speech is also sponsored by Bloomington Peace Action Coalition and the Peace, Earthcare and Social Concerns Committee of Bloomington Friends Meeting, which will be collecting tax-deductible contributions. Dr. Helfand plans to donate his entire honorarium to Back from the Brink, a grassroots organization working to reduce nuclear risk. We seek leadership donations, and the spokesperson of Bloomington Peace Action Coalition is making a kickoff gift of one thousand dollars. We hope concerned citizens will join us.
If you would like a preview, please look up Ira Helfand on YouTube. I hope you will agree that his is one of the most important and inspiring voices in the world today. Like the world's greatest physicians, Ira Helfand speaks with precision and unmistakable kindness. For more information, or to help with Dr. Helfand's visit, please contact David Keppel using this contact form.
Refugee and Immigrant Support and Education
What Recent Executive Orders Mean for Immigrants and Refugees
From Barb Backler and Jenny Vessels

Many of us are confused about the potential impact that executive orders associated with immigration will have on the families we have gotten to know here in Bloomington. Organizations that serve refugees and immigrants are trying to figure it out as well. Below is an excerpt from a February 1 communication from CEO of Exodus Refugee Immigration Inc., Cole Varga. Exodus is an Indianapolis-based nonprofit organization that partners with government agencies, businesses, faith-based organizations, and other non-profits to resettle families and individuals that have recently been approved to enter the U.S.
“Some of our supporters have asked why refugees should be scared. After all, refugees have status. That does not mean they won't be profiled and targeted.
At Exodus, we serve other humanitarian immigrants as well. Folks with TPS or Humanitarian Parole, for example, are legally allowed to live and work in the U.S., as long as those forms of status continue, which is not guaranteed now.
Further, Exodus also serves those who are seeking asylum in the U.S. but have not yet received it, a lengthy process that can last years. These are our clients who are most at risk. They are perhaps working with our attorneys to file their asylum cases for the first time or getting support in our English classes and case management services while they await permission to work. These are folks trying to navigate the proper pathway to keep themselves and their families safe, yet they are being spoken of as criminals and job-stealers.
Regardless of status, there have been reports both nationally and locally of many people who do have status being picked up by ICE officers and detained. We have heard that U.S. citizens and immigrants with status have been stopped, harassed, and detained by ICE, both here in Indiana and across the nation.”
Exodus Director of Legal Services, Rachel Van Tyle, hosted a Facebook Live session to help explain recent executive orders. You can watch the video to learn more about how these orders affect our work and what you can do to help.
You can also download the PDF that includes detailed information about each order here.
Additionally, here is an excerpt from the 2/6 newsletter for Refugee Support Network (RSN), a local, all volunteer, 501(C3) registered nonprofit that supports families new to the Bloomington area.
“Indiana Attorney General Rokita, and other leaders, use the term “illegal aliens” without defining what they mean. As a result, many people believe that this includes everyone who is not a green card holder or citizen.
Unfortunately, they now believe this includes many people who are authorized to be here and are on various paths to citizenship. People applying for asylum are following U.S. laws. Those who are here on Humanitarian Parole (Afghans, Ukrainians and others) are following the same laws. Seeking asylum is a legal right, enshrined in U.S. law, and respected by almost all more developed countries. It is misunderstood by many Americans.”
Many UUCB members have had a chance to meet the family that the Refugee and Immigrant Support and Education task force (UU-RISE) sponsored for 3 years. Mohammad and Shabnam Fakherduin have been very nervous, and their sons came home from school recently scared to death. Mary Blizzard was able to assure them that we would keep them informed and continue to support them however we could. Deb Fish encouraged University Elementary School officials to meet with the boys and reassure them. These efforts made a big difference for the family.
The UU-RISE task force members want to thank all of the UUCB members who provide volunteer hours, furniture, and monetary support for our immigrant neighbors. A generous gift of $1300 from the Fall 2024 Social Justice Grants Committee was provided to the Bloomington Refugee Support Network. $1100 was used to pay rent ($400 for an Afghan family, $400 for a Colombian family and $300 for another Colombian family). The remaining $200 was spent on much needed clothing for children purchased at Goodwill and emergency dental work. Below is the response from the RSN Executive Director, Pete Lenzen:
“Your generous gift will play a large role in helping our volunteer organization continue to help recently arrived families. Last year we helped 39 new families, many with young children, who fled violence in their home countries of Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Colombia, Congo, Ukraine and Rwanda.
Your support enables our clients to put their difficult past behind them, begin to live independently, work and pay rent and utilities, get long-delayed medical and dental care, get drivers’ licenses, improve their English skills, take classes and work towards getting their professional certifications, and see their children THRIVE in local schools! Our clients are fiercely independent and, when they are able, give back to the greater community with donations, food for community events, and volunteering in the schools.”
Check out the new RSN website: and consider volunteering or donating to this organization that has such a critical role to play in these challenging times.
Upcoming Services
Service Times: 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.
Special Service Time - March 30 at 10:30 a.m.
Installation Service - March 30 at 4 p.m.
March 2, 2025
“A Commitment to Truth”
Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
Does nothing mean anything anymore? I ask myself this question when I hear what George Orwell called “doublespeak” in our current political discourse. Intentional uses of language – like freedom, safety, justice, and efficiency – to distort or disguise the reality and intentions behind policy. How do we remain committed to truth in an age of disinformation and subterfuge?
March 9, 2025
“Living a Life of Commitment”
Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
Has commitment gone out of fashion? It’s clear that trends in membership, marriage, and all kinds of joining are changing. What does it mean to live a life of commitment in a time when that seems radical?
March 16, 2025
“Committed to Our Youth”
Dr. Stephanie Kimball, UUCB Youth Advisors
Some of the most life-changing work that any congregation does is through the investment it makes in children and youth. And this investment is especially needed now, when so many of our young people are growing up in this age of tremendous climate and political disruption. How can UUCB be a sanctuary of both care and strength for our youth?
Monday, March 24, 6 p.m.
Equinox Service
As we enter a new season of increasing light and warmth, we celebrate new growth, dreams, and possibilities. Spring can be a good time to ponder questions like these: Where in your life are you experiencing rebirth and renewal? What is blossoming in you? Where do you feel the greatest need for new blossoms? Please join us as we mark the turning of the season and reflect on our own life journeys as individuals and as a community.

March 23, 2025
"Love Blooms Here!"
Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
Today, we kick-off our annual Pledge Drive to fund our next year of ministry together! In this time when so much feels uncertain, and so many of our values and communities are on the line, our commitment to UUCB creates a much-needed beacon for love and justice in our community and our state. Let’s celebrate who and what we can be together!
March 30, 2025 - 10:30 a.m.
“Commitment and Courage for Today”
Rev. Beth Johnson, Minister, Unitarian Church of Hinsdale, IL.
On this Sunday, as we prepare to install Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray as our settled minister, we’ll reflect on the ways that creating covenants foster deeper commitment and relationship in our community.
March 30, 2025 - 4 p.m.
Installation of the Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
"Healing Begins in the Heartland"
Rev. Katie Romano Griffin
All members and friends are invited to share in this celebration as the congregation officially installs Rev. Susan as our Minister. Special guests will include: Rev. Katie Romano Griffin; Rev. Sarah Stewart, Rev. Nic Cable, Rev. Bill Breeden, Rev. Mary Ann Macklin and more.
Attendance, Offering, and Membership Information
January 2025

01/05/2025: service cancelled due to inclement weather
01/12/2025: 208
01/19/2025: 225
01/26/2025: 198
Offering Total for January 2025: $3,001.75