Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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25% Sunday Non-Pledge Plate Recipient Nomination Campaign for 2024-25

By Denise Ogren, SJFC Chair

plate fund

The deadline for nominating our next local non-profit agency to receive 25% of Sunday non-pledge plate collections is approaching. Click here to view the Guidelines for Nomination of a Non-Profit Agency to Receive 25% of Sunday Plate Non-Pledge Funds from July 2024 - June 2025. The application deadline will be April 15th, after which the Social Justice Funds Committee will choose three nominee finalists for the congregation to vote on at the spring congregational meeting in June.

Our contributions to the current recipient, All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center, total $3,103.26 so far this year. The total donated to last year’s recipient, Bloomington Refugee Network, was $8059.12! Which local non-profit agency would you like to see be our next recipient?

Those who submit applications must be able to meet the following obligations: (1) contact the agency you support to gather the information necessary to complete the application. If you are among the three finalists chosen you will need to (2) provide a 200 word written statement on the agency to be published in the May Perspectives or Friday Update; (3) arrange for written materials to be available at the church throughout May, and (4) give a brief 3-minute presentation during the service on the Sunday of the June congregational meeting, including an overview of the organization and an explanation of how the funds will be spent. The agency is also asked to table after services in late May and June.

Watch for further announcements from the Social Justice Funds Committee. Contact Denise Ogren, SJFC Chair, at uucbsjfunds@uubloomington.org with any questions.

The Social Justice Funds Committee: Denise Ogren, Steve Mascari, Sarah Kopper, Sandy Davoren, Scott Sanders Advisor: Jackie Hall

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for March 2024. Click to read the full issue!