Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Solar Eclipse: April 8, 2024

solar eclipse

As you’ve probably heard, Bloomington is on the path of totality of the upcoming Solar Eclipse. This means that in this area, we’ll be able to view the full eclipse, when the moon completely blocks the light of the sun for a short period of time. This also means that there will be many thousands of people visiting the Bloomington area in order to witness this celestial event – some estimate we can expect upwards of a hundred thousand people! The Indiana Department of Transportation has issued a bulletin with suggestions for preparation for this event. Here’s a summary of things to consider:

  1. Purchase certified solar eclipse glasses from the Green Sanctuary Task Force and Habitat Task force for $2 each, on Sunday mornings in Community Hour, while supplies last.
  2. IU will hold a variety of eclipse-related events at the stadium and other locations; see their schedule here.
  3. We anticipate that there will be a huge demand for parking on April 8. In order to protect our grounds, we will be selling parking spaces starting early on the morning of April 8 and continuing until our lot is full. Volunteers are needed! People who live within walking distance of the church are especially encouraged to sign up.
  4. Be sure to have ample supplies of groceries, medications, and other necessities prior to April 8, as traffic may make it impossible to get around town.
  5. Please check in on neighbors, especially the elderly and others who may need help.
  6. As an example of things to consider: the public Library will be closed on April 8 because first responders have warned that they are not likely to be able to get to the library in the event of an emergency.
  7. If you plan on being on the road at all on April 8, INDOT recommends having a safety kit with you in case you get stranded.

The partial eclipse will begin about 1:30 p.m., reaching totality just after 3 p.m.
Here at UUCB, we will celebrate the eclipse on Sunday, April 7 with a special multigenerational service on wonder and awe. We hope to see you then!

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for March 2024. Click to read the full issue!