Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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From Your Board of Directors

At the February 25th service, Reverend Bill Breeden reminded us of the value of engaging deeply in the life of UUCB. There are many different ways of becoming involved: help with coffee, be a greeter, join a Task Force, be a Religious Education teacher, and many more.

In this month’s Board column, I’d like to highlight three ways of becoming involved that are top-of-mind for me.

First, consider attending the Unitarian Universalist Association annual meeting called General Assembly, or GA, June 20-23, 2024. GA will be held entirely online this year which makes it easier than ever to participate. While anyone who registers can attend all GA events, only Delegates are allowed to vote. Our church can select up to 11 delegates to represent our church and vote on matters on our behalf. If you are interested in being a delegate this year, please fill out this simple application. UUCB will pay registration costs for Delegates who are selected and who register by the early registration deadline (March 15th). That means that, if you are interested in serving as a delegate, we will need to hear from you soon!
Second, consider helping with UU summer camp. This summer, our church will host what used to be called MUUSA (Midwest Unitarian Universalist Summer Assembly), before that was called LGSA (Lake Geneva Summer Assembly), and will now be called (at least for this year) BLUUSA (you can figure it out), or “camp” for short. BLUUSA will run July 3-7, 2024, with campers coming from all over the Midwest. It will feature a wide range of workshops and activities for children, middle schoolers, high schoolers, young adults, and not-quite-as-young adults, running from early morning to late evening (for those of you familiar with UU parlance, it is kind of like a CON for the whole family). We will need oodles of helpers to make BLUUSA happen: greet campers; help campers find their way around the building and grounds; prepare, serve, and clean up after meals; among many other tasks. Helping out will be a great way to connect with fellow UUCBers and to meet UUs from other churches. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Jane McLeod at jmcleod@indiana.edu.
Third, and finally, we will be looking for two new members of the Pledge Drive committee to begin on July 1. The Pledge Drive Committee works under the authority of the Board to plan and implement each year’s Pledge Drive campaign. Members are recruited each spring and are approved by the Board in consultation with the current committee members. If you are interested in joining next year’s committee, please let me know! Fill out this form to contact Jane McLeod.

Jane McLeod, Vice President

2023-24 UUCB Board group photo

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for March 2024. Click to read the full issue!