From the Communications Coordinator
"A Perspective on Perspectives"
When considering the idea of intention, I find it important to lay out my understanding of the intention behind our newsletters - the Friday Update and Perspectives.
The Friday Update is a weekly newsletter - filled to the brim with exciting events and timely information. Most of our Friday Update is action oriented. It outlines things to do, places to be, what can be donated to the community through our Task Forces, how to volunteer, and what to expect in the next couple of weeks. Due to these many calls to action, we strive for a shorter format.
Perspectives, on the other hand, is a monthly newsletter. Perspectives is a space for the minister, staff, board, and leaders of groups, task forces, and committees to share big picture news and reflections on the work of our church and the community we create together. In this regard, Perspectives is a call to reflect, dream, and envision together. Due to this, we strive for a longer format that can tie in overarching themes and insights. Additionally, all upcoming service descriptions, attendance information, and offertory information are available in Perspectives.
Moving forward, we will be publishing Perspectives on the last Wednesday of each month, making the submission deadline the second to last Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. For example, the newsletter for March will be published on the last Wednesday in February (February 26), and the submission deadline will be on February 19. In making this change, we will be able to format the newsletter for consistency and inclusion of information that pertains to the upcoming month. Due to this change in scheduling, our attendance information will be published with the information from two months prior.
An aside: If you ever delete a Friday Update or Perspectives email, you can find them available on our website by going to the home page (, finding the “News” tab (the 3rd tab from the left), and clicking either “Friday Update” or “Perspectives.” The link to the Friday Update archive is: The link to the Perspectives archive is: