Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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From the Board of Directors

At the mid-year congregational meeting, the Board shared its three main goals for the 2024-25 year:

  1. Nurture the congregation as we grow and change
  2. Support Reverend Susan, the congregation, and ourselves as we build trusting relationships around the settled ministry
  3. Implement partnership governance

Each goal has subgoals which are accompanied by specific action items. For example, one subgoal to goal #2 is “facilitate greater communication between the Board and congregants.” One specific action we are taking is to hold Cookies and Conversation events with the Board, at which we share what the Board has been working on, take comments, and answer questions, in a more intimate setting than the larger congregational meetings allow. At the end of the year, we will assess our work toward these goals and use that assessment to guide our planning for 2025-26.

At root, each of our goals is an intention: a plan to move into our new settled ministry with purpose, courage, and open hearts.

The upcoming start-up weekend offers interested congregants the opportunity to become more deeply engaged in the work of supporting and nurturing our congregation. On the evening of Friday, January 10, following an all-congregation potluck, Lauren Wyeth and David Pyle from the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) will facilitate a community conversation on who we are as a community. Register for the all-congregation potluck here. On the morning of Saturday, January 11, Lauren and David will meet with lay leaders to learn more about how things work at UUCB, our norms, and our values. (Lay leaders include anyone who is or has been involved in leadership within the congregation by holding formal leadership positions or by advancing UUCB’s mission through other commitments of time and energy.) Register for the lay leader workshop here. Links to sign-ups for both events can be found above and in recent Friday Updates. We hope that you will join us as we take these next intentional steps in building a strong shared ministry for our beloved spiritual community.

jane mcleod

Jane McLeod, Board President


This article originally appeared in Perspectives for January 2025. Click to read the full issue!