Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Education Matters

As we live into our intention to create a community that nurtures, welcomes, and inspires people of all ages and stages of life, we are making a number of changes to our children and youth religious education programming. Normally we would wait until summer to make large shifts, but because of the recent and rapid growth in attendance and our upcoming start of two services, it makes sense to dive in now!

During our Sunday morning religious education time in January (January 12, 19, and 26) our children and youth grades 2-8 will participate in special multi-age groups, each exploring this month's congregational theme of Intention through different topics and activities. Spirit Play will continue for our youngest, who tend to thrive on consistency and predictable routines, but if you feel your child would be comfortable in a multi-age setting please contact Stephanie Kimball to discuss the options. Please note that on January 5 we’ll offer an all-ages service; childcare will be provided but there will be no separate religious education for children.

Details will be on our website soon, and emailed to registered families early in January. (If you have not registered your child for religious education, please do so here!)

January will also serve as an intersession of sorts for Adult religious education programming. Many have expressed an interest in a new workshop series I mentioned at the Congregational Meeting on December 15, designed for people considering volunteering as children/youth religious education teachers but not fully confident in their knowledge of Unitarian Universalism, children and youth, and/or our practices here at UUCB. People may sign up for one, two, or all three of these workshops, and do not need to commit to teaching in order to participate. I also strongly encourage people to sign up for Stuart Yoak’s stellar workshop on UU History, taking place on January 25. This overview of Unitarian and Universalist history sheds light on where our current faith comes from, and also prompts reflection on one’s own beliefs, values, and individual faith journey.

Thank you in advance for your grace and patience as we work to make these adjustments and communicate with everyone at an already busy time of year. Together we can do this!

Wishing you all many blessings for the holidays and the new year,


Stephanie Kimball, Director of Lifespan Religious Education

Dr. Stephanie Kimball, Director of Lifespan Religious Education


This article originally appeared in Perspectives for January 2025. Click to read the full issue!