Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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A Move to Two Services in February

We are grateful for the over 295 people who responded to the survey about moving to two services! While we know there are complications, extra effort, and losses associated with moving to two services, we also heard from people that they can't attend in person because there is not enough parking, including handicap parking with only one service. We are also in need of more space for our children’s programs, which having two services will create. Our data also supports the move to 2 services. On average since September 1st, our meeting room has been at 82% of maximum occupancy - and this does not include the children in the meeting room! So on average, we have been almost at full capacity!

UUCB is an incredible community! And the ministry we offer matters. We know how it can be life changing and life saving for people and families. We want to make room for all who need a community like UUCB. We recognize the importance of an inclusive, welcoming, justice-centered religious community that can be a refuge, sanctuary, and community of hope and power during difficult times. This is why we make this move. To make room for all who are in need of, and all who are looking for a religious community like ours.

We will move to two services beginning February 2nd through May 18th. The service times will be 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. We will follow a similar plan as UUCB used pre-pandemic when we also had two services. During this four-month trial, we welcome feedback. We will then take the summer to reassess for the fall. Sue Swaney and Stephanie Kimball are already talking with the choir and RE teachers about changes in their programs for two services.

Between now and February 2nd, we need your help! To make this move, we will need more Religious Education teachers, more ushers and greeters, safety team members, as well as additional java crew and parking volunteers. We may also need more choir members! Volunteering is a great way to meet people and working together with others is a great way to build friendships. Please contact Stephanie Kimball and Anabel Watson to find out how you can help! Also, I ask all who are able, to please park across Fee Lane, or across the Bypass or on David Baker so that we can reserve as much parking for those who have limited mobility or for guests and visitors. Thank you for all the ways you are supporting this dynamic and growing congregation!


Rev. Susan

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for January 2025. Click to read the full issue!