Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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News from Lifespan Religious Education

A Journey through UU History

March 2

10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Register here
In the morning, our journey begins with the religious controversy concerning the trinity in 325 CE. From there we jump to 1531 and meet a Spanish theologian and physician who argued the concept of the trinity was not Biblical; a Transylvanian King who decreed tolerance for all faiths; and discover England’s anti-trinitarian law that imposed the penalty of death sent UUs fleeing across the ocean to a new world.

At noon we'll break for lunch (provided) and informal discussion, resuming our tour at 1pm.

Safely in North America, we meet the UU signers of the Declaration of Independence; founders of the first Universalist convention in 1790; a Unitarian minister and poet at the center of the transcendentalism movement in America; the first woman to be ordained as a minister of any denomination in the United States; as well as UU activists and social reformers along the way.

We are the beneficiaries of amazing women and men who, because of their courage, determination, and a commitment to the inherent dignity and worth of all people, we today have the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana.

Poetry as a Spiritual Practice

Linda Pickle, Facilitator
There is a new Adult Religious Education offering, Poetry as a Spiritual Practice, facilitated by Linda Pickle. The course will meet five times in a hybrid format (participants meet face-to-face at church or via Zoom) on Monday evenings (7-8:30 pm), beginning March 25, 2024, and continuing after that every two weeks: April 1, April 15, April 29, ending May 13.

Those welcome to join: youth (age 14 and up) and adults who are interested in exploring new ways to engage in spiritual practice and those who may or may not already love, read, or write poetry. Engaging in literary analysis is not a purpose or goal of the program.

Contact Linda with your questions: 812-369-4430, linda.pickle@wku.edu

Sign-up will take place in February and March, 2024. Watch the Friday Updates for additional information.

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for February 2024. Click to read the full issue!