Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Green Sanctuary - Task of the Month


Our suggested February Task of the Month is to “Eat green. Plan meals, buy local and compost to reduce waste.” According to Project Drawdown, adopting plant-rich diets and reducing food waste are among the top actions that households can take. Adapt a favorite dish by using beans or quinoa in place of the meat and add it to your repertoire.

Mark your calendar! On February 25th the Green Sanctuary Task Force will be hosting a vegetarian potluck during Community Hour (11:30-1:00) in Fellowship Hall. Please join us and bring a favorite vegetarian (or vegan) dish to share if you can.

Be sure to list your ingredients for those on restricted diets, and drop off your dish in the kitchen before the 10:15 service. If you’d like to share your recipe, send it to us: zero.GSTF@uubloomington.org

We hope you will come to the potluck even if you can’t bring a dish!

By Molly O'Donnell

Green Sanctuary Task Force

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for February 2024. Click to read the full issue!