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From Your Ministerial Search Committee

Group Photo of the Ministerial Search Committee (small)

Greetings from your Ministerial Search Committee. We’re very happy to share that we received a strong list of applicants in response to our congregational record. Through mutual discernment and interviews, three wonderful pre-candidates have emerged. The committee will meet with those pre-candidates in February and March. Out of care for the pre-candidates' existing congregational relationships, this part of the process remains confidential; we won't have much to share with you in this phase, but you can trust we'll be busy!
We will announce a candidate in April. Remember to mark your calendars for Candidating Week, April 21-28, when there will be many opportunities to meet and get to know the candidate. And please do be here on April 28th for a special congregational meeting after service when we will vote to call the candidate.
Finally, a big part of the Search Committee's job is describing our congregation to interested ministers, both in the Congregational Record and in interviews. As we continue this work, we want to say thank you, to all of you, for making UUCB a congregation that's easy to describe with love and pride. Ministers are excited to learn about this congregation, and we get to tell them about it--thanks for making this a joyful task!

Your Ministerial Search Committee: Ann, Christine, Denise, Mary Beth, Michael, Olaya, and Von

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for February 2024. Click to read the full issue!