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From Your Board of Directors: GA Delegate Applications due Feb 21!

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. This year GA is June 20-23 and will be entirely virtual.

Anyone is welcome to attend GA, but only Delegates selected by each Congregation may vote. Consider being a delegate for UUCB this year at GA. We can have up to 11 delegates to represent our church and vote on matters on our behalf.

If you are interested in being a delegate this year, please fill out this simple application.

Once applications are in, the board will strive to present a slate of delegates that includes those with GA experience and those without, and that represents the breadth the congregation.

Delegates are expected to:

  • Familiarize yourself with the business items on the GA Agenda. Discuss agenda items with your congregation.
  • Learn how to effectively speak in General Session and how to vote on GA business items by reviewing the Rules of Procedure. The Rules of Procedure are found in the final agenda, which is published in late May.
  • Consult the UUA's Delegate frequently asked questions.
  • Familiarize themselves with the dates and costs associated with attending the GA.
  • After GA, share information about your GA experience with the larger UUCB congregation.

Application timeline

  • Sunday, February 18, 12:00-1:00 - Informational forum with previous UUCB GA delegates in the Sanctuary
  • Wednesday, February 21, noon - Application deadline
  • Wednesday, February 21 8:00pm - Board meets to review applications.
  • Monday, February 26 - Applicants informed of decision.

Applications may still be submitted after February 21, but those submitted before will be given priority.

The church will provide up to $280 in financial support to each delegate selected.

Abby Gitlitz, Board President

Abby Gitlitz, Board President

This article originally appeared in Perspectives for February 2024. Click to read the full issue!