Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Spirit Play

Spirit Play (ages 4-6)

Spirit Play is a story-based approach to religious education that honors and encourages each child’s search for truth and meaning.  Each week’s story invites exploration of UU themes, principles, sources, and/or traditions.  Drawing from Maria Montessori’s approach to childhood education, Spirit Play reflects Unitarian Universalist values of respect for the worth and dignity of each person, and the free and responsible search for truth and meaning. At UUCB, we currently offer Spirit Play classes for children ages 4-6, although this approach can be adapted to any age — including adults!

This class meets in Room 105 during the worship service, except during multigenerational services and on Religious Education holidays. Children attend the worship service for approximately 15 minutes before heading to their classes; they may be picked up at 11:30am. Please register your child(ren) for the 2023-24 programming year before attending!

Two specially trained Spirit Play teachers facilitate each class.  As children arrive they are greeted by the Doorkeeper, who helps them with their nametags and makes sure each is ready to join the circle.  The Story Teller begins the class with a chalice lighting ritual, then introduces the story for the week.  Each story is told using carefully designed props stored together in a story basket.  The Story Teller concludes the story with wondering aloud together about the meaning(s) it may hold for the children, then carefully puts it away on an accessible shelf so that the children may work with it if they choose during their exploration time.

The DoorKeeper then introduces any special  “works” available for the day, and the children are dismissed as they’re ready to choose which activity to start with in their time of exploration.  Adults strive to observe silently, assisting only when asked, encouraging children to wait their turn, share, and clean up before moving on to a new activity.

Parents are welcome to observe the class at any time, but are asked to do so from the observation chairs rather than joining the circle.  Children who are not ready to separate from their parents are welcome to sit with them until they feel comfortable joining the children in the circle.  The reason for this is that Spirit Play is a place for children to explore their own spiritual identity, necessarily apart from their parents.  Teachers will help reluctant children feel comfortable with their peers, and are available to discuss any concerns with parents after the class.