Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Using Drums and Percussion for Ritual


This class is a short introduction on how to use drumming as a resource for sacred work. It will be a hands-on experience reflecting on nature with a spirit of reverence and learning to play drum rhythms that embody those domains to support oneself and others. Previous experience is not required, and instruction will be in the oral tradition that relies on direct demonstration and processes of imitation. Intended for adults (18+) and reserved at this time for women and/or female identified participants. Bring a drum if you have one, otherwise let us know in advance if you need us to provide one for you.

Register here

Session I - Jan. 26 Welcoming Trees: Beautiful and Fragile

Introduction to basic sounds and hand techniques for drumming and other principles such as the use of steady pulsation, and short rhythmic motifs. Ecological meanings and musical principles will be combined as we learn to inhabit our own environments, stand up for a sense of belonging and learn to play a simple Drum Piece called: Welcoming Trees. Other topics include musical drumming versus free form drumming, and drumming for self and drumming for others.

Session II - Feb. 16 Withstanding the Wind: Unbearable and Possible

Quick review of sounds and hand techniques from session one with additional applications of ecological musings and musical principles such as: how to create ritual through braving our current times, and reimagining perspectives that are supported by the musical articulation of how to brace for winter winds through a sense of motion, time, and call and response. We will review and play the first drum piece and then learn to play Drum Piece #2: Withstanding the Wind. Other topics include drumming as sheltering, and drumming as a tool for registering a sense of mystery.

Sessions Facilitated by Colleen Haas. Meets in the Sanctuary at 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. on two Sundays: Jan. 26 and Feb. 16. Participants may register for one or both sessions. However, if you are a beginner session one will be the most helpful.

Dr. Colleen Haas -Classes at ISU