International Outreach Task Force

The International Outreach Task Force (IOTF) provides direct financial, material, and humanitarian support to Spurgeon's Academy, a school for orphans and vulnerable children in Kibera, a sprawling slum in Nairobi.
Every two years IOTF organizes a trip to Kenya. Learn more:
Every two years IOTF organizes a trip to Kenya. Learn more:
Between trips, we focus on fundraising efforts - including jewelry and glass sales, monthly bake sales, and fall football parking.
The mission of the IOTF is to provide direct financial, material, and/or humanitarian support to specified international development projects with the aim of bettering lives and building human bridges between people of different cultures. The core intent of the IOTF is to direct our efforts toward supporting small scale service/development projects that are tied directly to members of our congregation and initiated and operated by local people.
The IOTF also focuses on enhancing the development of cultural awareness, understanding, compassion, and love in our congregation and greater community. We feel that, by both its inherent nature and our specific intent as a task force, the work of the IOTF supports core principles of Unitarian Universalism including: The inherent worth and dignity of every person; justice, equity, and compassion in human relations; and the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.