Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Green Sanctuary Task Force

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As Unitarian Universalists, we promote decisions and actions that reflect our moral imperative to care for the Earth. We inspire our neighbors and guide our public servants at every level of government to address climate change and develop the resilience required to adapt to a changing environment.

Helping Our Members Reduce Their Carbon Footprints:

Helping to Reduce Resource Use in our Church Building and Grounds:

Our Paris Pledge - working to become carbon neutral by 2040

Our Accomplishments to Date – including becoming a Green Sanctuary congregation and
a certified Energy Star® building of worship

Our Community Involvement – in local, state, regional and national environmental nonprofits

Climate Change Resources - learn about climate change or update your knowledge

Our Covenant – be respectful and supportive