UU the Vote

We have the ability to select our civic leaders and influence public policy every two-four years.
During election seasons, we do this by registering and voting, and supporting all eligible people to get registered and vote. Currently, we are active with our UU the Vote program that started with 30 people who met in our church library and divided into teams to work on postcards to voters and/or registering voters.
We now have a trained team ready to help with voter registration and furnishing information about how, when, and where to vote. We have been at Shalom and on the IU campus. Currently others are gathering possible sites and events where we will be available.
Statistics show that postcarding is effective voter engagement especially for those who do not have cell phones and texting.
How does postcarding work?
- We, the UU the Vote team, order postcards
- You pick up postcards along with names, addresses, model messages and by hand fill them out and return to us
- We stamp and mail at appropriate dates.
As we continue progress on helping our Bloomington neighbors to register, we also want to remind our UUCB community about some facts and helpful links.
- For UUCB members who would like to become involved, contact Jackie Hall.
- For questions on registration and voting, contact Mary Ann Williams.
Here are some key links:
- Voter Registration: https://indianavoters.in.gov/
- To request an Absentee Ballot Application: https://www.vote.org/absentee-ballot/indiana/
Note these key dates:
- Sunday, September 22: Postcard Stamping Event at 11:15 a.m. in Fellowship Hall!
- Monday, October 7: Last day for voter registration.
- Tuesday, October 8: Early voting begins at 302 So. Walnut (across from the bus station)
- Monday, November 4 by Noon: Absentee ballots must be received at Election Central at 401 W. Seventh Street.
- Tuesday, November 5 from 6 am – 6 pm: Election Day
Stop by the UU the Vote table after Sunday service or email SJCoordinatingteam@uubloomington.org