Planned Giving
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington is flourishing today because visionary early members nurtured it, both in their lifetimes and through bequests in their estate plans. Now it is our turn to provide the enduring gifts that will enable our congregation to prosper in the future.
What will be your legacy to our community?
Learn more about how to include the church in your estate planning:
Regardless of how you choose to make your donation, please ensure that the gift is made to:
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana, Inc.
Our mailing address is: P.O. Box 8132, Bloomington, IN 47407
The Legacy Circle
Our Legacy Circle was created to recognize and thank donors who have included the church in their estate plans. If you have done so, please let us know by joining our Legacy Circle group, or by contacting a member of our Planned Giving Committee. We want to thank you.
Planned Giving Testimonial

Steve and I recently updated our wills and our advance medical directives. That process has a way of focusing one on the important priorities. Besides wanting to provide for our grandchildren and continue to support some social justice organizations that we have been heavily involved in for decades, we wanted to bequeath a percentage of our resources to Bloomington UU. The statement that “We are seeking the spirit, building community, and changing the world” is what we know and love about UUCB. We want that to continue past our physical presence here. -Veda Stanfield