Stewardship includes all the ways we care for our congregation. Financial gifts as well as gifts of your time, energy, passion, talent, and effort are our love and commitment made visible. All aspects of stewardship can be as much about continually nurturing a spirit of generosity as they are about obligation and responsibility. We celebrate our responsibility in using these gifts well to support Unitarian Universalism here in our congregation and in our community.
Visit our Donate page for details on ways to give financially.
Make a Pledge to Support Our Congregation!
Church members are asked to pledge a donation of money to the operational budget of the church every year. This pledge should be of an amount that you can afford and which feels right to you. You do not need to be a member of the congregation to make a financial pledge. Everyone is welcome to participate and support the work of our congregation.
Our operating budget is the way that the congregation is able to cover all our operating costs, including minister and staff salaries, building and grounds upkeep and maintenance, programming, and social justice work beyond our walls.
Pledging at Any Time of Year
We generally have an annual pledge drive for the upcoming fiscal year each spring; our fiscal year goes from July 1 through June 30. If you would like to make a pledge commitment at any other time of year, please contact the church office at We are happy to help! You can also pledge at the link below!
By filling out this form, you make a pledge of financial support for the 2025-26 fiscal year. This fiscal year begins on July 1, 2025 and ends on June 30, 2026. Contributions to this pledge may be made on or after July 1 at or in the Church Center app.
How to Fulfill your Pledge Commitment
After you’ve made your pledge, you can fulfill it at any time during the year, in whatever way works best for you. You can make one payment, or installments, i.e. quarterly, monthly, weekly.
You can set up an autopay from your checking account or a credit card. See our DONATE page for details.
Paper Checks
If you prefer to donate via paper checks, to make record keeping easy on our end, please note on the memo line of your paper check that it is a pledge payment, along with the fiscal year it’s going towards (i.e. “Pledge 22-23” or “current year pledge”). If you mail your pledge donation check, please send it to our P. O. Box: UU Church, PO Box 8132, Bloomington IN 47407. Thank you!
Planned Giving
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington is flourishing today because visionary early members nurtured it, both in their lifetimes and through bequests in their estate plans. What will be your legacy to our community?
Learn more about Planned Giving.
Our Special Purposes Fund
The Special Purposes Fund (SPF) supports the Church’s religious, charitable, educational and civic purposes beyond activities under the normal operating budget, via management of both endowment and general funds.