Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Lifespan Engagement Team

The Lifespan Engagement Team was created in 2023 with a mission to promote and create opportunities for participation in all aspects of congregational life for people of all ages and stages of life. The group’s vision is that UUCB will be a place where people of all ages and stages of life – children and their families, elders, young adults, and everyone else – are visibly included, recognized, and appreciated.

This year, the Lifespan Engagement Team organized or assisted with the following activities:

  • Breaking Bread Together lunch, following the Thanksgiving worship service;
  • Thanksgiving dinner
  • Everybody’s Birthday Party

Members: Ann Kamman, Christine Banister, Linda Pickle, Sarah Barnett, Anabel Watson, Stephanie Kimball