Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Community Hour

Community Hour is the time after the Sunday Service, roughly 11:15 - 12:00, when we provide coffee, tea, and other beverages and snacks to encourage people to mingle, chat, get to know each other, and meet new people.

Children are welcome in Community Hour. We try to provide juice, water and/or hot chocolate along with coffee, tea, and snacks in order to accommodate everyone! On most days, there is an Intergenerational Activity Table set up with puzzles, games, or other activities that we hope will prompt conversation and collaboration among people of all ages.

Beverages are typically served in the hallway between the Meeting Room and Fellowship Hall. Food offerings may include bagels, fruit, or other finger foods, bake sale items, or a sit-down lunch.

Often, groups table in Fellowship Hall to raise awareness about events, opportunities, and important causes. The Book Table sells books of interest to many congregation members.