Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Chalice Circles: Small Group Ministry

2024-25 Registration has closed.

The Chalice Circle program of the UU Church of Bloomington serves as a lay extension of the ministry of the church.

The program consists of groups of about 7-10 that usually meet once or twice a month on Zoom or in person, where members take turns speaking about some piece of their own personal story that relates to the given theme for the session, and the other members listen deeply. Each group uses an approved session plan to guide the personal sharing. Groups meet from September to May.

The program is run by an executive team that meets monthly and more frequently as needed to coordinate annual sign ups, assignment to groups, facilitator training, session plan approval and program evaluation. Group facilitators meet monthly to check in about their groups, discuss issues or problems that have arisen, and receive updates on program changes.

A minister serves as consultant to the executive team, participating in meetings of both the executive team and facilitator meetings.

Additional information about the UUCB Chalice Circle program can be found here.

Chalice Circle Executive Team