Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Join a Group

We have many active groups led by church members and friends that provide opportunities to gather, connect, build relationships, discuss, explore new things, and learn from each other.

  • Fellowship Dinners logo Fellowship Dinners

    At Fellowship Dinners, you share a potluck meal with a small group of friendly UUs in someone’s home. Once a year you host a group. Single or paired, you are welcome at Fellowship Dinners.

    Fellowship Dinners logo

    When: October and November 2023, January through April 2024.

    What: You share a potluck meal with a small group of friendly UUs in someone’s home. Once a year you host a group. The perfect way to meet newcomers and old timers in small, convivial groups!

    How: The Fellowship Dinners coordinator sends a list of guests to the host, who contacts the guests, establishes a mutually agreed date for the meal, and prepares the main dish. The guests bring the rest of the dishes for the meal: appetizer, salad, vegetable, dessert, beverage, etc.

    Be creative and carefree! The Fellowship Dinner can be a dinner, or it can be a breakfast, brunch, lunch, or picnic!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do I have to be a gourmet cook?

    You can join in Fellowship Dinners even if you bring a dish from the deli.

    What if I am not part of a couple?

    Single or paired, you are welcome at Fellowship Dinners.

    What if my house and table are small?

    Fellowship Dinners can be for as few as 4 guests. On your Registration Form note the number of guests you can accommodate. Some folks with small or distant homes might make arrangements to host in someone else’s (larger, closer) home – the coordinator can help match up with those of us who feel comfortable providing their home as a venue for those without a space to host the dinner. Anyone acting as a venue provider will then function as a guest. Finally, hosting is an enjoyable experience; however, you don’t have to host if you have limitations that cannot be overcome. Let the coordinator know that. When you are the host and are scheduling dinners, please remind couples that they should think of themselves as two units, not as a single unit when mapping out who will contribute what to the dinners.

    Must I host?

    Hosting UUs is an enjoyable experience; however, you don’t have to host if you have limitations that cannot be overcome. Let the coordinator know that.

    Will I eat with the same people every month?

    One of the great attractions of Fellowship Dinners is the chance to meet a different group of UUs every month.

    What if I cannot participate every month?

    When you register, mark the months you cannot participate.

    How do I register?

    Click here to sign up online! You can also pick up a paper form at the church and leave it in the office (Room 204).

    May I still enroll later in the year?

    Yes. Just send in the form as soon as you can.

    Coordinator: Kathy Gilbert, fwpdinners@uubloomington.org

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  • monarch garden small Gardeners

    Join the Gardeners' Gathering on the fourth Sunday of the month following the Sunday service, in the Courtyard (or in Room 112). Every type and level of gardener is welcome. We'll share experiences, stories, advice, and maybe plants from time to time.

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  • hike in the woods Hikers

    This group hikes about once a month on moderate hikes of 2-6 miles near Bloomington. 

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  • Humanists/Freethinkers Logos Humanists and Freethinkers

    The Humanist Forum and the Freethinkers meet on alternate Sundays at 11:40 am in person at the church in Room 208, with an option to join via Zoom.

    Humanist Forum

    UU Humanist Forum

    The forum explores human growth and the transcendent without supernaturalism. Forum Presenters are selected by group vote and present for 10-15 minutes to kick off our discussions. They do not (usually) lead the discussion. Topics include issues relating to morality and ethics, human development, evolution, the nature of the universe, love, the capacities of the brain, free will, the latest scientific research and discoveries. Humanists, agnostics, atheists, freethinkers, religious naturalists, interested theists, and anyone who wishes to attend are welcome.

    See our current discussion topics / Join the group email list

    Browse our archive of past discussion topics

    UU Freethinkers


    This group seeks conversations that foster an understanding of diverse views.  We usually accommodate 2 or 3 topics per meeting. It is the idea, not the messenger, which is explored in discussion.  The UU Freethinkers hope to learn how others form their opinions and to test these opinions with individual experiences and learning.

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  • challah bread Jewish UU Connections

    Jewish UU Connections is a group of people within our congregation who feel connected to Judaism, either culturally or religiously or both.

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  • Men's Group

    The UU Men's Group meets in our Library on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m., with an option to join online via Zoom.

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  • kids boots Parents of Young Children

    This is a group for families with young children to connect for gatherings, play dates, mutual aid and support. Also advocates and organizes for family-friendly, kid-friendly spaces and practices within the church.

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  • poetry books Poetry on First Mondays

    For people who love poetry of all kinds. This group meets via Zoom on the first Monday of the month at 10 am to read and discuss poems together.

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  • metta-water-lily-500x330 Shambhala Meditation

    This group meets Mondays from 12-1 p.m. in the Library, with an option to join online on Zoom.


    Led by Leigh Grunhoefer and Susan Middlestadt.

    Click here to Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 850 7990 8921
    Passcode: 824751

    Learn more about Shambhala Meditation

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  • tai chi Tai Chi (Taiji) and Qigong

    Brian Flaherty leads Tai Chi and Qigong practice here at our church Saturdays 9 to 10:30 a.m. and Mondays 2:15 to 3 p.m.

    tai chi

    The practices are free of charge. Usually in Fellowship Hall, occasionally moved to the Library. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes. All are welcome.

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  • Wednesday Walkers Wednesday Walkers

    An informal group that gets together semi-regularly on Wednesday mornings, usually around 9 or 10 am, to go for walks together at different locations around town.

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  • Women's Alliance new logo Women's Alliance

    The Women’s Alliance was founded in 1959 to manage the annual church Bazaar, build fellowship, and give service and financial support to the church and selected church and community projects, as voted upon by the membership.

    The group is open to everyone, and meets the first Thursday of the month at 11:30 am in Fellowship Hall or via Zoom. In-person meetings begin with a brown bag lunch, and beverages and desserts are provided unless otherwise noted. The program starts at noon – with a presentation about a community organization or other interesting topic. This is followed by a brief discussion of Women’s Alliance business. Meetings end at 1 pm.

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  • young adult group Young Adults

    A group for those roughly between the ages of 18-35 seeking to connect more deeply with each other; currently gathers for a monthly lunch and discussion.

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