Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Congregational Meetings

Our congregational meetings take place twice a year, in June and December. Congregational meetings are open to all, though only church members are able to vote. On this page you can find information about upcoming meetings, livestreaming and remote participation/voting, and past meeting notes.

Remote Participation and Online Voting

If you are not able to attend a meeting in person, it is possible to participate remotely. Those who join via the livestream can submit questions or comments via chat (which will be monitored and read aloud by a board member). And, for the first time, UUCB members participating remotely are also able to vote online, thanks to a new site made by our Technology Coordinator, Hans Kelson.

Create your account and sign in here (members only):

UUCB Multiplatform Voting - vote.uubloomington.org

Quorum for Meeting

With the revised Bylaws adopted October 22, 2023, quorum for a congregational meeting is now 15% of membership, attending either in person or via the livestream, to be able to make any motions and conduct any votes.