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Projecting Slides

We have an extremely versatile projection system here, though it comes with some caveats. This page describes these caveats, and gives options for how to have slides that work well for everyone in our space.

The largest of the caveats is that a PowerPoint presentation (or any other system) cannot be directly loaded and shown. When a slide deck from another program is loaded, it is loaded as static images. This means that:

  • Pictures and text will work great.
  • Any fancy transitions will not work. There are a few transitions to choose from, the most common being a standard dissolve effect.
  • Audio and video embedded into the presentation will have to be loaded separately. Our system can play audio and video, but it requires special work to do so.

Outside of import considerations, be advised that the projections are located quite high up on the wall, and 10-15 feet behind the speaker. Combined with the large size of our meeting room, this means that text can easily be too small to read for most of the audience.

Given all of this, there are two options for a slide deck:

  1. Send the text and media for your slide deck to the Technology Coordinator via email. Include your slide text in the body of the email, and either attach your media directly or upload it to Google Drive. Include what media goes with what slide, and we'll make the slides for you to our standard. These will be formatted in a boring, but legible way.
  2. Create your own slide deck and send that to the Technology Coordinator. If you choose to do this, please follow these guidelines to make sure your slides will work well in the space:
    • Use 1920x1080 resolution, or at least 16:9 aspect ratio, to make the best use of space.
    • Make sure all text is at least 40pt font (preferably 50pt, and as large as reasonably possible). This is the minimum to be reliably readable from the back of the room. It will look absurd on your computer screen. Trust me, it does need to be that big in our space.
    • Include any audio or video separately, and put in placeholder slides where those should be inserted.
    • Make your slides in PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Apple Keynote. These are the systems which can be easily imported. If you have another preference for creating slides, please be in touch in advance so we can work it out.

Slides to be projected must be received at least two working days before your presentation. This allows time for converting to our format, and for correspondence should anything turn out not to work well. It is not possible to send your media too early. A week in advance is perfect.

Any slides to be projected in a Sunday service are subject to approval by the Lead Minister and the Technology Coordinator.

Please send any questions to Hans Kelson, Technology Coordinator. He can be reached best via email: hkelson@uubloomington.org.