Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Submit a Perspectives Article

Guidelines: All submissions should be relevant to the UUCB community and consistent with our Unitarian Universalist values, principles, and covenants.

Email the Communications Coordinator office@uubloomington.org with:

  • A title for the Perspectives Article you are writing
  • A tagline for the Perspectives Article (a one sentence description that captures the heart of what your article is about)
  • Your Perspectives Article, around 300-500 words.
  • Any graphics and/or pictures you would like posted with the article
  • Any links that need to be inserted into the article
  • Quotes citing their sources

The publication date for Perspectives is the first Wednesday of each month.

Content for Perspectives is due one week before the publication date at 10 a.m.