Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
Contact Visit Us Directory Sign In Giving Search Sunday Services 9:30 and 11:30 AM

Request Publicity for a Meeting or Event

For Bulletin Boards

If you need us to print your flier:

Send an email to the Communications Coordinator office@uubloomington.org with the following information:

  • Which Task Force/Organization you are with
  • A PDF of your flier
  • Quantity needed
  • What kind of paper

If you have already printed your flier:

  • Bring in your flier(s), the Communications Coordinator can find a suitable place for them on either the Social Justice Bulletin Board in the Commons or the Community Bulletin Board near the courtyard.

For Facebook

  • Email the Communications Coordinator office@uubloomington.org and ask them to create an event on Facebook after you have already scheduled and coordinated the event.
  • include an image
  • include a summary of the event

For the Friday Update

Guidelines: All submissions should be relevant to the UUCB community and consistent with our Unitarian Universalist values, principles, and covenants.

Email the Communications Coordinator office@uubloomington.org with:

  • a short, one paragraph blurb about the event
  • The title, time, date, and location of the event separately from the blurb
  • A graphic and/or picture you would like posted with the blurb

Content for the Friday Update is due weekly on Thursdays at 10 a.m.