Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Request a Sales Tax Exemption Certificate

If you need a form NP-1 (Certificate of sales tax exemption), please email the Director of Administration at admin@uubloomington.org. Your email must contain the following:

  • Seller Name (name of the company/business you are purchasing item(s) from)
  • Seller Address (PHYSICAL address of the company/business you are purchasing item(s) from. If it is a website you’re purchasing from you must find and provide their physical address.)
  • Indicate if this is a one-time purchase or will your task force, committee, etc. be purchasing from them on a continuing basis?
  • Submit your request at least 1 week in advance from the purchase date. This form must be submitted to the State of Indiana and receive approval. This takes time!

Once the state approves your request, we will send the completed form back to you. The seller you’re buying from will have instructions for submitting it to them.