Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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2120 North Fee Lane, Bloomington, IN 47408 | Map and Directions



1962: The site at Fee Lane and State Route 46 was purchased. It contained a farmhouse and out-buildings.

November 4, 1964: Ground was broken for a new building.

1965: The new building, including the assembly room, office, kitchen, and Sunday school rooms were completed.

March 27, 1974: Ground was broken for a new building due to congregational growth.

October 19, 1996: Expansion of the buildings took off with a "Building Our Dream" day in which the congregation came together to create a vision for the new building.

April 11 - 18, 1999: The completed third Fee Lane expansion was celebrated alongside the 50th anniversary of the congregation.

To read a detailed history of the building, click here.





Green Sanctuary Badge A Green Sanctuary

A demonstration of our commitment to environmental justice by aligning our values with our actions by becoming a certified Green Sanctuary. This commitment is achieved through spiritual connection, education, sustainable living, and social justice.

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Facilities Team

The Facilities Team was created to ensure that UUCB’s building/grounds needs are communicated, budgeted for, maintained, and kept up.

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